
I guess that's what you say when you start a new blog?

I'm just going to be honest, I really have no idea what I am doing here with this little bloggity blog of mine, but it feels right. I love having my family blog, but am excited to see where this little girl child Magnolia takes me. I have been thinking about her for over a year, but didn't have the courage to put her out there for the world to meet. But, it's time. Thanks to listening to Katy Perry's "ROAR" all day I think I'm ready. HA! The logo may not be perfect, BUT done is better than perfect (thanks Lara Casey!) and I have a feeling that I will grow and evolve along with this child, so why not start from scratch? So, lets consider this Magnolia's birth. May it be less painful than that of my son :)

Through Oh Magnolia I look forward to introducing you to the voices of sweet souls that I love and are dear to me as we share whatever is on our hearts. Whether it is a great company/brand/idea that we love, a funny story that has to be shared, or a heart that needs to heal through writing - my prayer is that this blog serves as an encouragement and brings warmth to your spirit. I want to give a voice to the mamas, wives, sisters, daughters, aunts, friends, etc who are living this life the best we can. So, grab a blanket, warm drink, and get cozy. We have plenty to share and a spot on the couch waiting for you!